What Is Disease X That Can Cause Next Pandemic

Disease X is once again thrust into the spotlight as a UK health expert issues a dire warning of its potential to incite another pandemic akin to the devastating Covid-19, potentially claiming millions of lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) has not remained oblivious to this impending threat, duly enlisting Disease X among its roster of ‘priority diseases’ on its official website. Within this ominous list, Disease X finds its place alongside notorious pathogens like Covid-19, Ebola, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Nipah, and Zika, all of which have wrought widespread havoc during previous outbreaks.


But what exactly is Disease X?

According to the WHO website, this term encapsulates the unsettling knowledge that a severe international epidemic may be triggered by a pathogen currently undiscovered as a human disease-causing agent. Disease X could manifest as a novel agent, be it a virus, bacterium, or fungus, with no established treatments or countermeasures in place.


Is this a recently emerged affliction?

The Lancet reports that WHO formally introduced the term ‘Disease X’ in 2018, marking it as the archetype of the next unknown disease with epidemic potential. In response, experts worldwide have sounded the alarm for intensified research efforts aimed at identifying this potential pathogen before it catalysis another catastrophic pandemic.

Disease X Pandemic: What is it? All you need to know about it is here!


The WHO’s R&D Blueprint

The WHO has proactively engaged with scientists to develop a customizable framework for crafting vaccines. This innovative approach allows for the rapid sequencing of the unique genetic code of any virus responsible for a disease outbreak. Subsequently, this genetic information can be seamlessly integrated into an already-established vaccine platform, expediting the production of a tailored vaccine.

This proactive approach stems from the lessons learned during the Ebola emergency in West Africa, which commenced in March 2014, further underlining the urgency of preparedness.


A Glimpse at Other Pandemic-Causing Variants

In a parallel development, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) made an unsettling revelation in August: it was closely monitoring a newly emerged and highly mutated lineage of the Covid-19 virus. This lineage, designated as BA.2.86, has surfaced in the United States, Denmark, and Israel, raising concerns within the global health community due to its substantial array of mutations. The WHO, recognizing the potential threat, has officially categorized BA.2.86 as a ‘variant under monitoring,’ underscoring the ongoing need for vigilance and research in the realm of infectious diseases.


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