How To Burp a New born That Won’t Burp – Tips and Tricks

Bringing a newborn into the world is a joyous occasion, but it comes with its own set of challenges, one of which is the seemingly elusive task of burping. Parents often find themselves in a perplexing situation when their newborn refuses to release that tiny bubble of air. Fret not, as this article is your ultimate guide on how to burp a newborn that won’t burp, filled with valuable tips and tricks.

Understanding the Importance of Burping:

Before delving into the techniques, let’s understand why burping is crucial for a newborn. During feeding, infants tend to swallow air along with milk. If this trapped air is not released, it can lead to discomfort, bloating, and sometimes even colic. Burping helps expel the excess air, ensuring your little one remains comfortable and happy.

Identifying Signs of Discomfort:

Recognizing when your baby needs to burp is the first step. Look out for signs of discomfort such as fussiness, squirming, and pulling their legs towards the belly. If your new born seems restless during or after feeding, it’s a clear indication that they may need a good burp.

How To Burp A Newborn Baby That Won't Burp - Tips & Tricks

Tips for Burping a Stubborn New born:

Positioning Matters:

Experiment with different holding positions to find what works best for your baby. The classic over-the-shoulder method is effective for many, but some infants prefer being seated on your lap with gentle support to their chest. Pay attention to your baby’s cues and adjust accordingly.

Patting Techniques:

The way you pat your baby’s back can make a significant difference. Instead of aggressive patting, opt for gentle and rhythmic strokes. Cup your hand and pat the upper back gently, moving from the lower back upwards. This mimics the natural flow of gas and can encourage a stubborn burp to make its way out.

Use Gravity to Your Advantage:

Position your baby upright after feeding to allow gravity to assist in releasing trapped air. This can be achieved by holding your baby in a sitting position on your lap or placing them in a baby seat for a short period after meals.

Tummy Time:

Incorporate tummy time into your routine. Placing your baby on their tummy when they are awake and supervised can help relieve gas and improve digestion. Ensure the surface is firm and flat, and always keep a watchful eye on your little one during tummy time.

5 Techniques to Help a Newborn That Won't Burp– Yay Baby SA

Bicycle Legs:

Gently move your baby’s legs in a cycling motion. This not only helps with digestion but can also alleviate gas. Hold your baby’s ankles and gently move their legs in a circular motion, imitating the movement of riding a bicycle.

Burp Mid-Feeding:

Interrupt the feeding session to burp your baby. This can prevent a buildup of air and make it easier for your little one to continue feeding without discomfort. Aim for a burp break halfway through the feeding session.

Experiment with Feeding Techniques:

If bottle-feeding, try different bottle types and nipple sizes to find the one that minimizes air intake. Ensure that the bottle is tilted at an angle that prevents excessive air from being swallowed. For breastfeeding, ensure a proper latch to reduce the chances of air ingestion.

Gas-Relief Products:

Explore over-the-counter gas-relief drops recommended by your pediatrician. These drops can help break down gas bubbles, making it easier for your baby to burp.


Tickling a giraffe’s neck may sound absurd, but with a feather-light touch and a dash of curiosity, you might just uncover their unexpected love for laughter.  Be attentive to your baby’s cues, stay patient, and enjoy the bonding moments that burping can bring. Your new born may not say thank you, but a content and burped baby is undoubtedly a happy one.

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your routine, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring a comfortable and gas-free experience for your precious bundle of joy. Happy burping!

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