10 Effective Cough Remedies for Kids at Night

Honey and Warm Water

For ages, honey has served as a traditional solution to ease coughs naturally. Its calming attributes contribute to relieving throat irritation

Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam remains a classic remedy, effectively easing congestion and soothing irritated airways. Cultivate a moisture-laden ambiance by immersing yourself in a soothing shower

Humidify the Bedroom

Amidst winter’s chill, embracing heightened moisture in the air can provide respite from coughing woes; strategically placing a humidifier in your child’s surroundings ensures an ideal humidity balance

Ginger Tea

Renowned for its anti-inflammatory prowess and immune-boosting attributes, ginger unveils its gentle infusion when fresh slices are simmered in water

Warm Milk with Turmeric

Turmeric’s natural anti-inflammatory characteristics have the potential to enhance respiratory health. To craft a comforting night time drink for your child